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1983 prices and options:
list price:
September and October:
£ 25994.31
  options September 1983
prices September 1983 cover

My first price list of this year is from September 28, 1983. This price list has no publication number. It is the first with a new colour background, British racing green, but the black on green is not a success. Subsequent price lists, starting with the one shown below, will use the much better combination of white on green.

After only three weeks the next one appeared: October 19, 1983. Like the previous one, this one does not have a publication number. It shows two more XJS-models, but the limousine prices did not change in these three weeks...

options October 1983  
  prices October 1983 cover (1st ed.) prices October 1983 cover (2nd ed.)

Both price lists have three pages on each side, and are folded twice. On one side is, from left to right, the "Daimler Saloon" page, the "Guarantee" page, and the front page. The other side has a page for the Jaguar Saloon, a page for the Jaguar XJS, and the Limousine page.

The second front page is from a later edition of the October 1983 price list. Instead of the Supercover Guarantee page it has a blank page. "Supercover" has been on the price list since 1976. From the next (1984) one, the term "Jaguar Guarantee" will be used.
Another change is visible on the two front pages: on the first one the prices for personal export must be obtained from "the Tax Free Department or any Jaguar Dealer or Distributor", and on the second one this has changed to "the Personal Export Department" at Jaguar in Coventry.

September 1983:October 1983:
back cover September 1983 back cover October 1983
Jaguar Saloon September 1983 Jaguar Saloon October 1983

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