logo (1.7kB)
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1982 prices and options:
list price:
March: £ 23588.60,
October: £ 24768.41.

prices 1982 cover(6.7kB)

March 1982: As in the price list of 1976, the name of the radio manufacturer Philips has once again been misspelled as Phillips.

Previous price lists had Non-standard trim as an extra-cost option for the rear compartment. This price list (and many following ones) have a choice of leather trim or cloth trim listed. For cost reasons, the standard outfit was changed to the cheaper vinyl. Electric windows are now combined for front+rear. In general, the total list of options has become much smaller than in previous price lists.

This was part of a much larger price reduction operation, resulting in a price drop from 27k£ to 23.5k£. This operation is described in various magazine articles. Most of these sources talk about the price drop dating from November 1981. But the price lists from July 1981 and March 1982 have consecutive publication numbers...

The publication No. for this March 1982 brochure is (44569) 3190/X.

  options March 1982(29kB)
back cover 1982(7kB)   Jaguar Saloon 1982(7.5kB)

The following price list, from the 11th October 1982, has publication number (48093) J.1000.

This price list is in the same light blue colour as the Jaguar-only price lists of the preceding years. From now on until 1987, the price lists for Jaguar and Daimler would be combined, but no future price list would be in this blue colour anymore.

This price list has two pages on each side, and is folded once. One side, in blue, has the front page and the second half of the Limousine options. The other side has a page for the Jaguar Saloon models, and another page split over Daimler Saloon and Limousine.

  options-1 1982(12.4kB)
options-2 1982(22kB)
prices 1982 cover(7.5kB)

The position of the leaper cat above the Daimler logo is very uncommon. Another, slightly later version of this price list exists, where the leaper is brought back to its common position: above the Jaguar name. Dates, publication numbers and car prices on this later edition are all the same as on the copy shown, but the Supercover insurance prices are somewhat higher. The later version is shown in smaller format below.

Note that the "wrong" edition also lacks the B(L)MC logo on the back.

Jaguar Saloon 1982(10kB) Daimler Saloon 1982(10kB) back cover 1982(9kB)
front cover 1982/2(9kB)
back cover 1982/2(9kB)

The price mentioned in this October 1982 price list was also printed in a sales brochure. That is the only brochure containing an explicit price. The next price list dates from September 1983. This all shows that the heavy inflation of the previous decade was under control now.

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