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1980 prices and options:
list price:
June £ 24723.56
November £ 25712.76
  options June 1980(46kB)
prices June 1980 cover(7kB)

Most part of 1980 was spent in getting the limousine production in Coventry up to speed, after the move from Kingsbury London in fall 1979.

The above price list is from June 9th, 1980. It has publication number 3190/R. The DS420 limousine has one page in it. The other pages can be enlarged by clicking on them.

This price list has two pages on each side, and is folded once. On one side is the Supercover page and the front page. The other side has the page for the Saloon models and the Limousine page.

June 1980
back cover June 1980(6kB)
June 1980
Daimler Saloon June 1980(8kB)
November 1980
back cover Nov.1980(17kB)
November 1980
Daimler Saloon Nov.1980(18kB)

The following price list is from November 5th, 1980. It has publication number 3190/S.

This price list has the same format as the previous one. The Supercover page and the Saloon models page are shown here above, together with the corresponding June 1980 pages.

  options Nov.1980(106kB)
prices Nov. 1980 cover(14kB)

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