logo (1.7kB)
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1978 prices and options:
list prices:
January £ 14929.20,
April £ 14929.20,
July £ 16486.47,
October £ 16486.47
December £ 17640.09.

Almost 20% price increase this year...

  options January 1978(63kB)
prices January 1978 cover(6.8kB)

The above price list is from January 23rd, 1978. It has publication number 3190/H. The DS420 limousine has one page in it. The other pages can be enlarged by clicking on them.

This price list has two pages on each side, and is folded once. On one side is the Supercover page and the front page. The other side has the page for the Saloon models and the Limousine page.

The list of options is substantially larger than on the previous price list. Therefore the printing is much smaller and we had to enlarge this page a lot more.

1978 was a year of heavy inflation, which was especially hard for the hand built DS420. Five consecutive price lists tried to cope with this. From 1977 to 1979 the price rose with 50%.


The Daimler Saloon page, and the Supercover page (back) of the January and the April price lists are shown together below.


Next is a price list from April 10th, 1978. It has publication number 3190/I. Not much has changed since the previous price list...

  options April 1978(49kB)
prices April 1978 cover(9.5kB)

back cover January 1978(7kB)


Daimler Saloon January 1978(10kB)


back cover April 1978(7kB)


Daimler Saloon April 1978(8kB)

Another 1978 price list, dated "15th of May, 1978". has the prices for all BL cars of that time, including the Austin Taxi and the Austin Hire Car. The format of this price list is A4 folded, A3 unfolded. It has publication number 3253/D. The limousine part in this list is the same as in the small price list shown above; even the typography looks exactly the same. Therefore I have not enlarged it separately. If you click on the pages, they will show up enlarged, and hopefully readable.

BL Cars Price List 1978(8kB) BL Cars Price List 1978 front(4kB) BL Cars Price List 1978 back(7kB)
The next price list is from July 3rd, 1978. It has publication number 3190/J. Its format is equivalent to the lists shown above.

Note that the L has disappeared from the logo, and that the name Coventry is back, after many years of absence!

prices July. 1978 cover(7kB)

  options July. 1978(50kB)
back cover July. 1978(6kB) Daimler Saloon July. 1978(9kB)
The following leaflet, published for The Motor Show, October 1978 shows the limousine prices near the bottom of pg. 1. They are still the same as on the July price list shown above.    Price Oct. 1978 front(9kB)    Price Oct. 1978 back(8.5kB)
This last price list is from December 11th, 1978. It has publication number 3190/L. The format is equivalent to the other lists shown above. But the large BLMC-logo on the front cover is gone... This was because BL had re-shuffled names and BL's "Specialist Car Division", where Jaguar was part of, was renamed "Jaguar Rover Triumph Ltd."

The last price list here above was no. 3190/J, and this one is 3190/L. There may have been one other price list, publ. No. 3190/K, in between, but this is unsure. The Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust does not have it in their collection. Price lists for Jaguar cars were published simultaneously with the Daimler price lists, although the Jaguar ones have code 3191/. I have never seen a 3190/K (Daimler) or even 3191/K (Jaguar) publication. The fact that prices in October were still unchanged also suggests that the "missing" price list never has existed. The reason for skipping one sequence letter may have been related to the reorganisation of the corporate structure that Jaguar went through during these month.

prices Dec. 1978 cover(6.6kB)

  options Dec. 1978(49kB)
back cover Dec. 1978(4.7kB) Daimler Saloon Dec. 1978(6.6kB)

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