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1976 prices and options:
list prices:
January £ 9767.16,
April £ 10207.08,
July £ 10703.16,
November £ 11451.96

We start with the January 1976 price list. It has publication No. 3190, and introduces a new printing format. At the same time, Jaguar price lists took a similar format, and were published with 3191 as their publication No.

The DS420 limousine only has one page in them; we show these pages at an enlarged size. All other pages can be enlarged by clicking on them.

This price list introduced the "Supercover" extended warranty, which would stay for many years to come. It was an effort to mitigate the bad reputation that BL had earned for its shoddily built cars, that had resulted in much "Leyland bashing" in the press.

All 1976 price lists have three pages on each side, and are folded twice. On one side is, from left to right, the "Supercover" page, the "Leyland Cars" page, and the front page. The other side has the double page for the Saloon and Coupé models, and the Limousine page. We show those pages side-by-side below.

prices 1976 cover January(13kB)

  options January 1976(42kB)
Jaguar Supercover January 1976(14kB)    Jaguar Saloon January 1976(22kB)

The second price list of this year is from April 26th, 1976. It has publication number 3190/A.
The third one is from July 26th, 1976, publication number 3190/B.

  options April 1976(20kB)
prices 1976 cover April(5kB)
prices July 1976 cover(5kB)   options July 1976(20kB)

Note the wrong spelling of the brand name of the radio: Phillips should be Philips. This is a very common mistake in Anglo-Saxon countries.

April 1976:
back cover April 1976(5kB)
July 1976:
back cover July 1976(5kB)
April 1976:
Jaguar Saloon April 1976(15kB)
July 1976:
Jaguar Saloon July 1976(15kB)
This last price list from November 8th, 1976, has publication number 3190/C.

The basic price for the limousine changed by almost 12% in a few month time.

All cars got much longer lists of optional extra's, which made this price list two pages larger than the previous one.

The spelling mistake on the Philips name has been corrected; it will re-appear later.

prices November 1976 cover(7kB)

  options-1 November 1976(34kB)
back cover-1 November 1976(7kB)   Jaguar Saloon-1 November 1976(7.5kB)

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