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prices March 1975 cover(14kB)  
1975 prices and options; list prices:
March: £ 8393.58
June: £ 8855.73
October: £ 9210.24

1975 in the UK was a year with excessive inflation: 25%. The surrounding years 1974, 1976 and 1977 "only" had around 16.5%.

Our first price list is from March 17th, 1975 is marked '20m'. This is the first price list where the famous cocktail cabinet is shown as an available option! The intercom between driver and passenger is introduced here too. Two-tone exterior paint was mentioned in a 1968 introduction price list, but not in any later ones, although it was available all the time. Here it is listed again.

options-1 March 1975(92kB)

options-2 March 1975(29kB)

prices June 1975 cover(5kB)  

When a new price list was issued, Jaguar usually had three different editions: Jaguar models, Daimler Saloon Models, and Daimler Limousine Model. They all had the same date of publication. I have seen a price list for Jaguar Models dated 30th April 1975, which means that a Limousine Model price list for this same date probably is missing in my collection.

The second price list of this year in my collection is from June 16th, 1975.
As the previous one, its publication No. is 20m.

options-1 June. 1975(96kB)

options-2 June. 1975(26kB)

prices October 1975 cover(49kB)  

The last price list of this year is from October 6th, 1975.
It has publication No. 3186. Another publication No. on the back is, once again, 20m.

An interesting detail is that the above (June) price list mentions Daimler Cars, Coventry, while this one has Leyland Cars, Longbridge, Birmingham.

options-1 Oct. 1975(30kB)

options-2 Oct. 1975(10kB)

Apart from the March 1975, June 1975 and October 1975 price lists shown here I have seen Jaguar and Daimler price lists dated April 1975 and November 1975. Since new Jaguar price lists, Daimler Saloon Models price lists and Daimler Limousine price lists usually were issued at the same moment, I suspect that there must have been Limousine ones in April 1975 and November 1975 as well, but they are missing in my collection.

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