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This yellow price list is for January 1972.
It has publication No. 10m (2112).

prices Jan.1972 cover(8kB)

prices Jan.1972 back(2.3kB)



1972 prices and options; list price:
January: £ 5665.63; March: £ 5476.52
April: £ 5640.85;
August & October: £ 5922.40

options Jan. 1972(45kB)


The above prices were announced to the dealers
by this letter from the factory in December (left):
The next price list came in March.
A 5% cut in Purchase Tax actually brought lower prices!
The letter to the dealers is shown to the right,
the corresponding price list is here below:

  dealer letter Dec. 1971 dealer letter March 1972

The publication No. of the price list is 372/SMDPL2.

prices March 1972(47kB)


front March 1972(8kB)

back cover March 1972 (2.4kB)


front April 1972(7kB)

back cover April 1972 (2kB)


April: one month later and the prices are almost back were they came from. This price list is publication No. 472/10MDPL4.

prices April 1972(33kB)


The new prices for April were announced to the dealers
by this letter from the factory (left):
The next increase, in August, came with the letter to the right.

  dealer letter Apr. 1972 dealer letter July 1972

Note how the "Electric Windows Rear Quarter" disappeared from the options list (and from the car!).

prices August 1972(47kB)


front August 1972(8kB)

back cover August 1972 (2kB)


front October 1972(6kB)

back cover October 1972 (4kB)


This price list from October 1972 is printed in light green. For greater readability we have converted the option lists to grey print. The redesign of the car obviously triggered the desire for a new cover design of the price lists.
It has publication No. 1072/15m DPL6

prices October 1972(57kB)

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