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1989 prices and options:
list price £ 40000.-


This price list has publication number JAG89/70, and has, apart from the year 1989, no specific date.

Note that the "Chassis only" price has disappeared.


prices 1989 cover(11kB)

options-1 1989(81kB)
options-2 1989(108kB)

Since the light-maroon on white printing only has minimal contrast, and thus is barely readable, I have converted the large version of the price list pages to black on white. The small front and back sides (below) shows the original colour setting.

prices 1989 back(17kB)

1989 was the year that Jaguar became part of the Ford empire.

Go to the previous available year (1987) (there is no 1988 price list in my collection, nor is there one in the collection of the Jaguar Heritage Trust)
or go to the next year (1990).
Back to the price lists overview or to the indexHomepage.